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    Mission2Math Helps Students "Level Up"

    January 03, 2024
    by Peachjar |

    In this episode of Peachjar Community Champions, Matt visited with Mission2Math Founder, Donald Durham to learn more about how Mission2Math gamifies their unique math tutoring curriculum to help students level up! Watch to learn how Mission2Math is a Peachjar Community Champion.


    After a professional assessment, Mission2Math places the student at their specific ‘Level’. This Level indicates where in the Mission2Math curriculum they will begin. Each level was designed to walk the student through mastering crucial math skills. Mission2Math's skilled instructors help guide the student through their adventurous math path, building upon their skills along the way. Each Mission2Math lesson is an interactive experience, designed to immerse the student in the fun of the learning process. As they work to Level Up, there is a noted increase in the student's confidence and math scores.

    Categories: Program Providers, Org Features